The most exclusive and luxurious beauty salon in Belgrade

Come and see it for yourself!

Get younger with dj beauty

ICOONE® lasers of the latest generation will guarantee you the best results if you desire to rejuvenate your body. Our salon offers you the new generation of anti-aging technology and skincare!

We rely on products of OBAGI® brand, which is at the very top when it comes to face and body care. You will feel the difference already after the first session.

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Anti aging

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Uklanjanje celulita

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Podizanje grudi

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Usluge koje pružamo

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Duis vestibulum porta dictum. In ut diam nec magna aliquet eleifend in quis eros pellentesque rutrum tellus erat, ac iaculis neque placerat


Duis vestibulum porta dictum. In ut diam nec magna aliquet eleifend in quis eros pellentesque rutrum tellus erat, ac iaculis neque placerat


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Mauris cursus posuere sem non mentum donec condime ntumut


Mauris cursus posuere sem non mentum donec condime ntumut

Tehnološki najnapredniji

Jedini uređaj na svetu koji izvodi multi mikro alveolarnu stimulaciju (MMAS), sa vidljivim rezultatima nakon prve sesije. Inovativni Roboderm® patent tretira nedostatke i fleke na koži efektivno i duboko stimulišući vezivno tkivo.

Njegovi estetski i rehabilitacioni rezultati su očigledni, čak i na delikatnoj i problematičnoj koži.


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Our Pricing Plans

Face Procedures

Starting From $120

Body Procedures

Starting From $170

Breast Procedures

Starting From $230


Cellulite reduction

This treatment visibly reduces the appearance of unattractive orange peel. Icoone laser works on smoothing the skin, improving blood drainage and circulation and restoring the balanced shape of the body.

Body shaping

Designed to act on stubborn fat tissue in different areas, this body contouring treatment redefines the silhouette and gives you a pleasant feeling of lightness.

Anti aging

By stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, Icoone is able to restore tissue elasticity and smoothness in a completely natural and painless way, erase the most visible signs of aging and give the skin a new glow.

Skin tightening

Designed to target stubborn fat deposits on the body, this body contouring treatment brings newfound harmony to the entire figure, along with a pleasant sensation of lightness and well-being.

Face and breast lift

Icoone laser is proven to oxygenate and revitalize skin. It helps to reduce under-chin fat and eye puffiness, but it can also be used to plump the lips, smooth the cleavage, firm the neck and reshape breasts. This procedure is an ideal choice in you want to refresh your look without surgery.

Reduction of wrinkles and stretch marks

Iccone offers a treatment that promotes skin regeneration, by restoring tissue elasticity and compactness and boosting the oxygenation. Icoone smoothes out wrinkles, giving you a noticeably younger look.

Better circulation

As it stimulates lymph and blood circulation, this treatment tones and reshapes your legs, giving you instant sensation of lightness and well-being.

Lymphatic drainage

In this treatment, we are doing a symmetrical treatment with two handpieces at the same time. This allows drainage of your entire body, stimulating immediate tissue oxygenation, improving microcirculation and promoting the elimination of metabolic waste and fluids.

Strengthening the immune system

Since Icoone reactivates lymph and blood microcirculation, the process of detoxification is set in motion. Cleansing your blood and elimination of the toxins from your body leads to a better immune system and reduced stress.

Relaxation and rejuvenation

By achieving overall tissue relaxation, Icoone promotes the release of endorphins which results in a general feeling of well-being.

Scars, fibrosis and adhesions

Icoone is showing great results as a treatment created to reduce inflammation and fibrosis. It stimulates collagen and elastin deeply and improve the quality and elasticity of the skin. This ensures better and quicker scar healing, combined with pain relief and restored mobility to the injured area. Icoone can be used to treat all parts of the face and body and all types of scars as well, especially ones following surgeries or trauma, after caesarean section, scars after acne or after mastectomy.

Burn scars

When it comes to recent burns, with its non-invasive effect Icoone can reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process. In the case of older burns, it stimulates fibrotic areas to improve flexibility, elasticity and soften tissues, promoting metabolic exchange.

Treatment before and after surgery

Icoone promotes faster tissue recovery and relieves pain. Before surgery, it is used to drain tissue, prepare the skin for surgical procedures and facilitate the work of the surgeons and doctors during the intervention. After surgery, this treatment helps also drain wound, has an analgesic and rehabilitative effect. It accelerates the tissue healing process and helps to avoid any possible complications.

Venous insufficiency and lymphedema

Thanks to natural and painless stimulation that triggers the reactivation of lymphatic and blood circulation, Icoone improves oxygenation, reduces swelling, in order to ensure greater flexibility and mobility of the affected areas and shorten the recovery time.

Treatments for pregnant women

Icoone treatments can be performed after the first trimester of pregnancy, avoiding the stomach area. During the pregnancy, this specific treatment ensures lymphatic drainage and better circulation. It helps especially in case of heavy legs and possible skin irregularities (capillaries, cellulite, fat deposits, water retention). After pregnancy, the laser can restore firmness more rapidly. It enhances the better function of the lymphatic system.

Resolving pain and inflammation

The gentle stimulation of Icoone laser has an analgesic effect, relaxes muscles and reduces acute and chronic pain. This treatment helps also reducing inflammatory processes or edema, due to traumatic and non-traumatic events.

Tendinopathy and muscle tension

A targeted treatment to reduce pain and inflammation, which aims to restore normal joint function. Relief of tissue congestion and tissue oxygenation, relief of muscle tension, also caused by diseases such as fibromyalgia.

Wellness, stretching and relaxation

Used as relaxing treatment, Icoone Booster ensures total well-being of body and mind, enhances the release of endorphins and leads to a general sense of well-being.


Mesotherapy is a modern antiaging and skin rejuvenation procedure that can be considered as a part of regular skin care. During this minimally invasive procedure, highly concentrated cocktails are applied to the middle layer of the skin, containing hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nucleic acids and growth factors. In this way, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated, and the tone and firmness of the skin is improved.

The effects of the procedure :

• Hydration
• Reduction of enlarged pores
• Reduction of increased facial oiliness
• Less traces of a tired face
• Removal of shallow wrinkles
• Removal of hyperpigmentation
• Removal of scars
• Tanning of the skin
• Raising the tone
• Restoring the glow and fresh look of the skin


The treatment itself lasts 20-30 minutes. At the end of the treatment, the skin can be slightly red. As the last step of treatment, a regenerative and soothing mask is applied. The patient can immediately return to daily activities.

Nevertheless, it is recommended to refrain from some of the following activities: increased physical activity, use of saunas, swimming pools, direct exposure to the sun (sunbathing or solarium).

Mesotherapy of the eye region

Mesotherapy of dark circles is a procedure that is performed with specially patented cocktails for the eye area. The procedure itself is similar to facial mesotherapy. This type of mesotheraoy has an anti-aging effect and improves the appearance of dark circles, “bags” under the eyes and wrinkles.

It tightens the eyelids, hydrates the skin in that region and restores a fresh appearance of the face.

Collagen facial stimulator - AESPLLA


AESPLLA is a product containing poly L-lactic acid, an ingredient known for its regenerative and anti-aging properties. This acid is a key factor in the process of stimulating the production of new collagen, important for maintaining healthy and youthful skin.
Some of advantages of this treatment:

• Natural look and volume that lasts more than 2 years
• Natural results
• Long lasting volume
• Fast recovery time
• Economy
• Restoration of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands
• Quick procedure

It is about PLLA (POLY L LACTID ACID), biodegradable and biocompatible material, which in the form of microspheres is injected with a cannula into selected regions and thus stimulates the creation of new collagen type I, which is famous to have a “long lasting effect”.
The first effects of AESPLLA treatment are visible after one month. This treatment does not need to be repeated.


If you want to restore the volume in certain areas of the face without any surgical procedures, if you search for completely natural way to erase wrinkles, raise the tone of the face and remove the tired looking face, then hyaluronic fillers are the best choice for you.
Hyaluronic fillers play an important role in restoring lost volume and filling in wrinkles. This treatment can help you reduce dark circles, restore skin firmness and vitality and provide hydration for the skin.
These fillers are used for :

• Augmentation and reshaping lips
• Reducing nasolabial folds
• Contouring cheeks and cheekbones
• Contouring of the chin and jaw line
• Restoring lost skin volume.

Application technique: needle or cannula. However, there are some advantages in using a cannula compared to a needle – it is painless for the patient and more comfortable, with less swelling and bruising.
Before the procedure, we always organize a consultation, in order to plan the procedure.
The treatment can be done each 9 to 12 months.


Our daily use of muscles around eyes, between the eyebrows and on the whole forehead as well, leave traces on the skin in the form of small wrinkles.
If we relax those muscles and minimize their activity, the wrinkles will immediately be reduced and at the same time we will prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.
This specific treatment is performed in one arrival. It is quite simple and comfortable for the patient. After 5-7 days, the client will feel the effects of toxins, but the results are immediately visible.
The treatment can be repeated every 4-6 months.


Lipolysis is a popular injectable procedure designed to remove excess and persist fat deposits in specific areas of the body which cannot be removed by physical activity and/or diets.

It is one of the most popular non-surgical body shaping methods.

The injected lipolytic cocktail performs emulsification, i.e. melting of fat cells and their subsequent elimination from the body.

The treatment is repeated every 3-4 weeks. A session of 4-6 treatments is usually considered as necessary in order to achieve the best results.

Cellulite mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is one of the undisputed therapies in the world for the reduction of cellulite.

Several factors are responsible for the appearance of cellulite. Among them, we normally talk about fluid retention, reduced circulation, estrogen receptors in the subcutaneous fat tissue, improper diet or poor eating habits and less physical activity.

In this treatment, mesotherapy cocktails are introduced into the skin with very thin needles, which would have a therapeutic effect on cellulite. The composition of cocktails can be different depending on the stage of cellulite. They can contain substances that are vasotonic, that affect tissue trophicity and circulation, then lipolytics, that can break down fat or hyaluronic fillers, that fills and corrects depressions on the skin that are seen as dimples at an advanced stage of cellulite. Also, these cocktails can contain certain microelements and minerals that accelerates cell metabolism.

In any case, a good concoction of substances will make the skin have a uniform texture and a tighter appearance.

The number of sessions is individual. It is advised to be performed in a series of 6-8 treatments, once or twice a week.

Lipolysis of the “double chin”

Mesosculpt C71 is an innovative triple action lipolytic. It melts fat deposits, drains the treated area and stimulates the creation of collagen and elastic fibers, therefore tightens the skin (known as facial biorevitalization effect).

Thanks to this effect, there is no excess skin that often remains after classic lipolytics, and it also prevents the re-deposition of fatty deposits in the place treated with lipolytics.

Results are IMMEDIATELY visible after the first treatment. They remain up to 12 months after the initial treatment.


PROFHILO is a non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid very similar to human, and this is the reason why the degradation processes (the influence of hyaluronidase) are slowed down, and the treatment effects are long and reliable. The hybrid complex of hyaluronic acid in PROFHILO, with a unique method of stimulating adipocytes, fibroblasts and keratinocytes, helps create highly effective collagen and enhances the activity of the skin’s supporting structures. The face and neck get a natural look without the volumizing effect, and the long-term duration of the treatment is measured in months.

The essence of the PROFHILO treatment lies in the fact that by acting on precisely determined lifting points (BAP) on the skin, it stimulates tissue regeneration and collagen synthesis, thus helping to strengthen and fix the skin and prevent it from sagging. It is intended for:

For those patients who already have applied fillers and want to prevent sagging, relaxation of the skin (stimulate fixation at certain points), without causing unwanted, excessive voluminization.

For younger patients, who want to prevent skin sagging, stimulating the regeneration process at specific lifting points.

It is ideal for facial treatment as well as neck and décolleté treatment.

Long Lasting RRS - LOLA

This is the company’s new hybrid product that has the characteristics of both a bio revitalizer and a hyaluronic filler.

It represents cross-linked hyaluronic acid with a concentration of 7mg/ml (21mg/3ml).

“Lola” as a product is also called “Skin builder” and it assures slight volume filling of the entire face, not just one region. This alone gives freshness to the whole face when something needs to be improved but it is not time to use fillers.

This product treats poor skin turgor, gives more elasticity to the skin and achieves optimal hydration, which improves the overall appearance of the skin.

For the face, up to 7 points are needed on one side of the face, therefore the procedure is very comfortable because there are not many stitches and it only takes about 10 minutes.

Depending on the condition, it is enough up to 2-3 times a year to perform this treatment.

The results are visible immediately after the first procedure.


This is a deep, intensive treatment for the revitalization of the face, neck and décolleté, with the help of substances that are physiologically lost in our skin.
Compared to facial mesotherapy, it is a much more intensive treatment.
A complex of highly concentrated active ingredients are applied into the skin, such as hyaluronic acid, amino acids and peptides with a synergistic effect on the skin.
You will see the results of the biorevitalization treatment immediately. Among them, you will notice :

• Improved skin quality
• Restored freshness and hydration of the skin
• Bright and shiny complexion
• Smooth and soft skin to the touch
• Fine lines and wrinkles are less visible
• The aging process is slowed down
• The process of cell regeneration is accelerated

It is done in a series of treatments each 3-4 weeks.

Dermapen - microneedling procedure

Dermapen is minimally invasive procedure where micro perforations are made on the skin with a special device, at different depths from 0.25 mm to 3 mm.

In this way, the absorptive power of the skin increases to the maximum and starts the process of activation of platelets and synthesis of its own growth factors.

Generally the next step would be to apply the appropriate mesotherapy cocktail directly to the skin.

The number of treatments is absolutely individual and depends on the condition of the skin itself, texture, tone and age.

Hiperhidroza- pojačano znojenje

If you suffer from excessive sweating and notice large wet patches on your clothes under your armpits, sweat dripping from your face, and/or your socks becoming wet during exercise or in hot weather, you may have hyperhidrosis.

This condition can be treated with the application of an injection of a neurotoxic substance – Botox, which helps to prevent excessive sweating in the armpit region, palms, and soles.

By blocking nerve signals, the activity of eccrine sweat glands is prevented, effectively stopping the sweating.

Mezoterapija kose

A unique and effective treatment intended for everyone who has a problem with hair loss, thin hair or slow growth.

At the same time, this treatment can be chosen by anyone who wants to improve the quality of their hair even though there aren’t any serous problems.

A cocktail is introduced into the scalp with needles. It contains the combination of medicinal substances but also hyaluronic acid, nucleic acids, amino acids, peptides, vitamins and minerals.

Thanks to the high concentration of active substances, the hair follicle is strengthened, its function is stimulated and the growth of the hair itself is stimulated.

The number of treatments is individual and determined at the consultation.


Obagi Acne Express

This 7-step facial uses a combination of AHA and BHA acids to exfoliate the skin, while benzoyl peroxide treats active points on the face.

Using some of our favorite OBAGI products, including CLENZIderm Pore Therapy and Therapeutic Lotion, this facial will leave you with clearer and brighter skin while actively fighting new breakouts. This facial treatment is suitable for all skin types and is a great addition to the daily care routine of anyone with acne-prone skin as well as extremely oily skin, because it helps regulate facial oiliness.

The procedure begins with a thorough consultation and includes a comprehensive skin analysis that allows the therapist to identify any problem areas and select the best products to treat your individual needs. The 10-step treatment of this facial takes you from the initial consultation to skin cleansing, preparation, clarification, acne treatment, hydration and finally, skin protection, using a selected range of medical- grade OBAGI facial products.

All OBAGI facial treatments, including Acne Express, include the use of products available for home care to enhance or prolong the effect.


The treatment is intended primarily for clients with problematic skin. Ideal candidates are both those with active acne and those undergoing treatment. The treatment is also recommended for clients with extremely oily skin.

Depending on the therapist, the treatment lasts from 30 to 45 minutes.

Obagi Age Defying

OBAGI Age Defiing Facial je namenjen pacijentima koji imaju fine linije, bore i žele čvršću kožu. Iskustvo koje pruža ovaj tretman podmlađuje i obnavlja kožu. Savršen je tretman za zrelu kožu kao i pacijente koji su zabrinuti starenjem kože. 

OBAGI Age Defiing Facial protokol je pedeseto minutna praktična sesija lica i uveravamo vas da ćet svi nakon prve sesije osetiti razliku. Velika prednost tretmana je što kombinuje pored profesionalne nege i preparate za kućnu negu kojima klijenti mogu produžiti trajanje efekta tretmana.

OBAGI Age Defying Facial is designed for patients who have fine lines, wrinkles and want firmer skin. The experience provided by this treatment rejuvenates and renews the skin. It is the perfect treatment for mature skin as well as patients concerned about skin aging.
The OBAGI Age Defying Facial protocol is a fifty-minute facial session and we assure you that you will feel the difference after the first session. The great advantage of the treatment is that it combines, in addition to professional care, home care preparations so that clients can prolong the duration of the treatment effect.

The treatment is intended primarily for clients with mature skin. Ideal candidates are both those who are worried about skin aging and those who already have the first signs of aging on their face.

Depending on the therapist, the treatment lasts up to 50 minutes. 


• 2 days before and after the treatment, it is not advisable to do other treatments
• 5 days before and after the treatment, avoid depilation and epilation of the treated region
• 7 days before and after the treatment, avoid fillers, botox and other injection procedures
• 14 days before and after the treatment avoid chemical peels, derma pen treatments, permanent make-up of the treated region and after the treatment avoid laser treatments
• Patients using Roakutan therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy are not recommended to do the treatments.

After the treatment itself, for a prolonged effect, it is recommended to use the entire ELASTIderm line.

Obagi Antioxidant Force Field

Your skin needs longer-term protection from the aggression of the external environment. Obagi Medical Antioxidant Force Field treatment is what you need, if you are among the people with visible bad skin condition or you just want to refresh.

With the action of beneficial antioxidants and vitamin C, your skin will be healed from the signs of photoaging. At the same time, the treatment will stimulate the process of cell division, as well as the production of collagen and elastin, protecting against harmful factors from the environment.

The result will be an even and bright complexion. The protocol is performed in nine steps, and for the best results we recommend at least three sessions, spaced 2-3 weeks apart. With this protocol you will go to Tuscany. You will experience the powerful Obagi microdermabrasion mask, packed with 30% vitamin C.

Anyone who undergoes this treatment will have a brighter complexion and a glowing face. Truly age-defying, fine lines and wrinkles will appear reduced.

The treatment is intended for all clients who want a thorough treatment for instant shine and improvement of skin quality.

Depending on the therapist, the treatment lasts up to 60 minutes.


  • 5 days before and after the treatment, avoid depilation and epilation of the treated region, fillers, botox and other injection procedures

  • 14 days before and after the treatment, avoid chemical peels, derma pen treatments, permanent make-up on the treated area

  • Patients using Roakutan therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy are not recommended to do the treatments.

    POST TREATMENT CARE: After the treatment itself, for a prolonged effect, it is recommended to use the entire Professional C line.

    Professional C serum 10, 15, 20% – face serum Professional C Peptide Complex – creamy serum Professional C Suncare – cream with SPF

Blue Peel Radience

This facial treatment is represented by the OBAGI brand itself. It is a recognizable treatment that does not need to be talked about too much. Blue Peel is a type of medium deep peel consisting of 20% Salicylic Acid 1.7% Glycolic Acid 1.7% Lactic Acid. Active ingredients are key to a good result, they give smooth skin, instant shine and a toned look.

The treatment protocol lasts about 30 minutes and is a very easy and practical procedure. Peeling should be done in a series of 4 to 6 times for a better effect. Between procedures, it is necessary to pass 2-4 weeks for recovery. Make sure the patient follows all instructions before and after the peel. Inspect the skin to make sure there are no areas of existing irritation. If areas of irritation are identified, do not exfoliate those areas. Peeling has a wide range of indications on which it works, while there are no recorded adverse reactions.
The figures of independent research are interesting:

• 100% of patients point out that the skin is brighter, smoother and more beautiful to the touch.
• 100% of patients point out that on the scale there is an improvement of two scales in the quality of the skin in 35 days. (one week after 4 peels)
• 80% of patients have an improvement on the scale, by one scale in signs of aging and wrinkles. (1 week after the third peel.)
• 80% of patients have an improvement on the scale, by one scale in signs of aging and wrinkles. (1 week after the third peel)
• 87% of patients recommend Blue Peel RADIANCE to their friends

All OBAGI facial treatments, including Acne Express, include the use of products
available for home care to enhance or prolong the effect.

The treatment is for all skin types. Ideal candidates are those with gray skin that has loss of elasticity, skin with acne scars, mature skin with signs of aging, skin that has signs of photoaging.

The treatment lasts 30 minutes.


Mesoestetic is a renowned pharmaceutical company that sets high standards in the medical-aesthetic sector. Their products are favorites among dermatologists, professional salons, and home users worldwide. With a broad product line for treatments such as mesotherapy and microneedling, Mesoestetic is a leader in providing top-notch solutions for various skin issues. They are particularly known for their chemical peels that have won prestigious awards. Additionally, Mesoestetic invests significantly in research and development of new products to ensure their clients achieve the best results. With Mesoestetic, our clinic will provide the top-quality skin care that you deserve

Acnelan – Mesoestetic

Acnelan® is a unique and innovative treatment designed to address acne in all stages. It features the exclusive, patented m.acne complex®, with synergistic active ingredients such as salicylic acid, mandelic acid, sodium lepargilate, and shikimic acid. Acting on all factors that cause acne and inflammation, it achieves deep cleansing, bacteria elimination, and comprehensive renewal of acne-prone and seborrheic skin.

Duration: 30 minutes.

To schedule a treatment, please contact us exclusively by phone at:

+381 62 777 718

Viber – WhatsApp

Cosmelan - Mesoestetic

Cosmelan is a professional depigmentation method that completely eliminates the most severe and resistant hyperpigmentation with maximum efficiency and safety.

Products for professional use in the cabin (during phase 1):

  • Oil Removing Solution
  • Cosmelan 1: Intensive depigmentation mask for the face.

Products for professional use in the cabin (during phase 2):

  • Cosmelan 2: Home depigmentation cream that enhances the results of Cosmelan 1, keeping melanin production under control and preventing the appearance of new spots on the skin.
  • Recovery Melan: Balm with soothing and renewing effects for sensitive and red skin. It helps calm and restore balance and comfort to the skin during Cosmelan treatment.
  • Melan 130 Pigment Control: Tinted sunscreen that helps control pigmentation. It protects the skin from broad-spectrum sunlight and helps control skin pigmentation.

To schedule a treatment, please contact us exclusively by phone at:

+381 62 777 718

Viber WhatsApp

Dermamelan- Mesoestetic

A fusion of the latest medical-scientific achievements with cutting-edge technology has led to the development of an innovative formula confirmed by two patents.

Leveraging knowledge and the latest scientific research, along with the application of new technologies in its development, we have successfully produced a product with a high innovative component at the forefront of depigmentation.

Dermamelan® is formulated to target the key objectives in the skin hyperpigmentation process:

  1. Intensive Corrective Action: Acts intensely on accumulated melanin by activating cell renewal and improving barrier function.

  2. Dual Regulatory Action: Reverses cell processes responsible for hyperpigmentation in a synergistic and complementary way, ensuring long-term control over excessive melanin synthesis.

  3. Intracellular Regulatory Action: Controls pigmentation mechanisms in melanocytes.

  4. Intercellular Regulatory Action: Regulates major components associated with melasma—vascular, inflammatory, and hormonal components. It also acts to protect structural skin proteins, enhancing its quality, hydration, and firmness.

To schedule a treatment, please contact us exclusively by phone at:

+381 62 777 718

Viber WhatsApp


What is ICOONE?

The ultimate technology shown in body and face treatments with a special effect on focused areas. ICOONE LASER contains innovative, non-invasive technology that provides effective face and body treatments and offers a completely relaxing experience at the same time. The combined effects of micro stimulation with led and laser light sources provide a specific and focused treatment with a special emphasis on regions that are difficult to reach for treatment during exercise or after a diet, and therefore more difficult to reshape or reduce.

This unique patented technology performs 21,600 micro stimulations in one minute, by 25% increasing active stimulations, which give a unique result such as: 5.6 cm average waist reduction, 80% improvement in silhouette reshaping, 100% pleasant and relaxing treatment, visible improvement , perfect skin regeneration What ICOONE stands out for is the harmonious reshaping of the treated regions with intensive skin toning, as well as complete rejuvenation with a relaxing sensation.

  • Body treatments

Those treatments focus on corrections on the body, such as reduction of fat deposits, removal of cellulite, relief or removal of stretch marks, drainage, skin tightening, reshaping of certain regions, improvement of circulation, recovery of scar tissue, buttock lift, breast lift.

  • Facial treatments

Treatments covering the facial regions are as follows: anti-aging, regeneration of facial skin cells, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, tightening and rejuvenation of the entire facial skin.A combination of different face and body programs designed to meet the demanding needs of both women and men of all ages.

  • Anti – Cellulite

Focused treatments for the reduction and removal of cellulite. It helps in tightening the skin, improving drainage and blood circulation, as well as harmoniously reshaping the necessary regions, reducing the so-called “orange peel”.

  • Anti – Aging

Treatments that improve the quality and appearance of the skin, strengthen tissue oxygenation and skin regeneration. They smooth out wrinkles, achieving a visibly younger appearance of the skin and the overall condition of the body, giving a youthful appearance.

  • Reshaping the Silhouette

Designed to work on resistant fat deposits, primarily on the hips and abdomen, this type of treatment will reshape the entire figure while reducing fat deposits and providing a harmonious body appearance.

  • Tissue tightening

Thanks to cellular stimulation, this type of treatment helps stimulate collagen and elastin, giving your skin an immediate tightening effect and making your body leaner and more toned. A particularly suitable type of treatment after weight loss and the desire to tighten certain regions.

  • Face and Breast Lifting

Treatment designed to oxygenate and revitalize the skin, reduce chin, reduce swelling of lower eyelids, swollen lips, neck tightening, breast lift. For lubrication and a refreshing effect.

  • Light Legs

A treatment designed to boost blood and lymph circulation and drain fluid, this treatment helps your legs appear slimmer. You will have an immediate feeling of lightness and general well-being in your body, and your legs will be reshaped.

Customized technology for long lasting results

• Certain results are already visible after the first session
• Customized combinations of treatments designed to meet specific needs (24
programs for women and 20 programs for men)
• Suitable for all types and qualities of skin, even for damaged and delicate skin
• Accessible to the most sensitive and inaccessible regions such as the eye
area, lip contour, chin, inner thighs, inner upper arms, knees and ankles
• Treatments can be performed every day without limits or pauses
• 100% natural
• Painless
• Specific antiviral and antibacterial sterilization protocols.


Relax Masaže

The main goal of this type of massage is to assure relaxation and relief. Relaxing massage is a mild, pleasant, manual massage which achieves the relaxation of the entire body. It relieves muscular tension, increases circulation, and promotes a general sense of relaxation. This massage is performed in combination in a suitable environment (quiet, with our without pleasant music).

You can have a full body relax massage or a partial relax massage of certain parts of the body (legs, feet, back, arms, abdomen, chest, neck and face). When you experience a relaxation massage, you can expect a treatment that includes relaxing pressure on the body, but not painful, a treatment designed to calm and relax you, but not to relieve chronic pain.

The use of essential oils to improve both relaxation and massage effects. As with any type of massage, the benefits of relaxation massage can last for several days after the treatment.

It is known that stress is the biggest enemy of our overall health, so relaxation massage is recommended for the prevention of diseases that can be caused by stress and nervous tension.

Relaxation massage, like other forms of massage, can provide the following benefits:

• It helps lower blood pressure – at least for a while

  • Improves peripheral circulation

  • Improves skin tone and appearance

  • Rreduces muscle tension, including the relief of headaches

  • Improves the fight against stress.

    Movements while performing a relaxation massage should be slow, gentle, with moderate to slight pressure. During the relax massage, the therapist uses special herbal oils that have a calming effect on the nervous system, which significantly reduces tension and stress.

    Regarding the actual preparation for going to the massage, the most important thing is to wear something as comfortable as possible that you can easily take off and put on again after the treatment. Communication with the therapist is extremely important and the effectiveness of the massage itself may depend on it.

    Before any massage, avoid heavy meals or alcohol. It’s also a good advice to drink plenty of water, which will help your body rid itself of toxins.

    You should always tell your therapist if:

  • are, or think you are pregnant

  • you are ill or receiving medical treatment

  • you have recently had an injury or surgery

  • are allergic (especially if you have skin allergies)

  • you have a wound on your head or body

  • you had or suspect cardiac or renal failure

Anti Cellulite Massages

Cellulite is a problem that affects about 90% of women worldwide and is one of the most common reasons for choosing a massage as one of treatments. In the media such as magazines, television, internet, there is a lot of talk about cellulite and a number of recommendations are given to solve this problem. But, cellulite is a complex problem, and we can distinguish different types and several stages. The stage of the cellulite will determine the possible solutions.

The manual massage technique is the best for solving problems located in the subcutaneous tissues. However, it should be recognized that anti-cellulite massage is not the only thing that a person must adhere to in order to eliminate cellulite. In order to achieve the desired results, the client must have a balanced diet, exercise and be physically active and drink plenty of fluids. After a certain number of treatments, the first results will come. There are also special creams, lotions and essential oils that are used during this process.

How does anti-cellulite massage work?

The main goal of anti-cellulite massage, regardless of the application technique, is to manipulate the skin and disperse the fat cells under the surface of the skin, so that they are distributed more evenly, and then removed from the body, instead of accumulating in one place that is noticeable and aesthetically unacceptable.

It is necessary to do 6 to 10 treatments in a row in order to eliminate cellulite. When should anti-cellulite massages not be done?

When there are varicose veins, kidney and heart failure, inflammatory process, skin infections…

Manual massage + INARIE + Vacuum

The manual massage technique is the best for solving problems located in the subcutaneous tissues. Inarie is a new massage technique that uses a specially shaped element made from a combination of nickel-plated steel and copper.

The goal is to achieve a long-term and quick correction of curves affected by fat deposits and cellulite.

In a much shorter time, this massage assures a faster and more visible result. The benefits of Ineri massage are :

  • Lymph drainage

  • Elimination of cellulite and fat deposits

  • Skin lifting (firming and tightening)

  • Defining the figure

  • Reshaping of disproportionate regions

  • Waist shaping

  • Tightening of the sagging stomach and upper arms

  • Reshaping of the riding breeches area, i.e. the hips

Ineri massage is super combined with other massage techniques such as anti- cellulite massage, vacuum massage, etc.

Tightening and smoothing of the skin is visible immediately after the first treatment.

The total number of treatments is determined by the addiction therapist, which goal is to be achieved with the client.

On average, between 6 and 12 treatments are needed

Treatment with vacuum cups (suction cups)

This is a special alternative medicine technique used for healing tissues and extracting toxins from the body.

This therapy works by placing suction cups (vacuum cups) on the patient’s body. This opens the pores, widens the blood vessels, bloods the treated area, breaks the stagnation in the circulation and expels toxins. After the therapy, dark marks remain in the places where the cups were, which disappear after a few days. There are two methods of therapy – static placement of suction cups and dynamic, which is achieved by moving the hour across the surface of the skin.

The person has a feeling of tightening of the skin, increased blood circulation, slight warming and tingling. With static placement, the glass is left for a few minutes, during which it provides a relaxing and detoxifying effect. Their action penetrates the body up to 10 cm.

When is it applied and what are the benefits of vacuum cup massage?

This method is used when there are back pains, headaches, tendinitis, chronic injuries, osteochondrosis, to reduce body weight, if there are problems with the respiratory organs, bronchitis, constipation, when there is a need for detoxification and regeneration of the body. Vacuum massage is actively used in cosmetics and for the treatment of cellulite, where the advantage of this method is the removal of deep layers of cellulite, thus the longer-lasting effect of the treatment

This method is not recommended for in a case of high temperatures, inflamed skin and people who bleed easily. Due to the creation of a vacuum, there is a change in pressure at the place where the suction cups are placed. Metabolism is accelerated, and toxins are thrown to the surface.

The benefits of using this method are:

  • Detoxification

  • Improves blood flow and lymph flow

  • Antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect

  • Normalization of metabolism

  • It increases the work of capillaries

  • Reduces cellulite

  • Lymphatic drainage action

  • Increases vitality and immunity

  • Increases and preserves human energy

Anti-cellulite massage + ultrasound + INARIE + vacuum

In addition to manual massage, which is the most effective massage for fighting against cellulite, ultrasonic waves are also used. In order to explain what ultrasonic cavitation is in the simplest way, it will be noted that liquid evaporation depends on pressure. The lower the pressure above the liquid, the lower the liquid will be and vice versa. A decrease in pressure can be caused by ultrasound waves.

Given that 2⁄3 of the fat body is made up of water, when this phenomenon occurs near the cell membrane of a fat cell, there is a high probability that it will burst. Damaged cell membranes of fat cells will break more easily in the next treatment if the interval between treatments is not too long. Fat from fat cells is poured into the intercellular space in the form of triglycerides, where it is broken down under the influence of enzymes, lipolysis, into glycerol and higher fatty acids. Freed glycerol that is soluble in water via the lymphatic system enters metabolic processes to obtain energy, and more fatty acids, which are not soluble, travel to the liver where they are broken down.

And with all of the above, with the addition of inertia and vacuum, we get quick results in a shorter period of time.

Wellness package

It involves body exfoliation. If you want your skin to always be soft and radiant, it’s essential to dedicate enough time and provide it with the care it deserves. After all, it is the largest and most exposed organ on the body. Regularly removing impurities from the skin is crucial, and this primarily involves getting rid of the upper layer of dead skin cells, which is best achieved through thorough, high-quality body exfoliation, which is the foundation of skincare. By removing excess dead tissue, the natural regeneration of the skin’s surface is stimulated. Body exfoliation is best done once or twice a week, while for the face, it is recommended two to three times as it is more susceptible to oiliness and requires more care.

After the body exfoliation, the best part comes – the Antistress massage. It combines therapeutic and relaxation massage techniques. The entire body is massaged, with special attention given to the back, neck, and shoulders. This massage relieves pain, stress, and muscle tension. The movements are softer and faster than in a relaxation massage and can be combined with gentle stretches to further relax the body.

For this massage, antistress oils are used.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is recommended for athletes as well as people who practice recreation activites. There are several types of sports massages.

Massage performed after training or long-term hard work of the muscles prevents the formation of lactic acid, removes it if it has accumulated. Accumulated lactic acid turns into calcifications, which can cause muscle tension and pain.

There are also sports massages that rehabilitates the most common sports injuries. This massage is also recommended when the injury has not occurred, but the muscle is tired, so the massage should relax and relieve it.

Athletes often choose sports massages to prepare themselves for competitions, matches, etc.

Sports back massage

Sports back massage focuses mostly on the muscles of the back as well as the arms. As a result of strong training, those are the muscles exposed to the greatest effort. This massage relaxes the peripheral nervous system and prepares the body for new efforts. Sports massages improve the blood supply to the muscles, so they are better prepared for the effort that follows.

Therapeutic Massage

A deep tissue massage that focuses on aligning the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It is especially useful for chronic pain and painful areas such as stiff neck, upper back, low back pain, leg muscle spasms, sore shoulders and more.

Some of the movements used during the treatment are similar to those of a classic massage, but the movement is slower and the therapist’s pressure is stronger and deeper and is concentrated on the area of tension and pain in order to reach the underlying layer of muscles and fascia (the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles.

Differences between therapeutic and relax massage

Therapeutic massage and relax massage are two different types of massage therapy. Both use the same moves, but have different uses and are very different when it comes to the amount of pressure used.


Therapeutic massage is primarily used to treat chronic pain and muscle injuries and sports injuries. Relaxation massage is mainly used to relax and reduce muscle tension caused by everyday activities, such as sitting at the computer.


Relaxation massage is a gentler form of massage that uses far less pressure than therapeutic massage. Both types of massage involve using of the palms and fingers to knead and manipulate the tissue, but the elbows and forearms are used for increased pressure during therapeutic massage.

Area of focus

Therapeutic massage targets the inner layers of the muscles. It is used to treat muscle and tendon injuries, pain in major muscle groups and joints. A relaxation massage targets the surface layers of the muscles and focuses on the parts of the body that have the most tension, such as the neck, shoulders and back.

How does therapeutic massage help?

When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, stiff tissue) in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The muscles must be relaxed in order for the therapist to reach the deeper musculature.

Therapeutic back massage

The back muscles and deeper muscles, as well as certain conditions and injuries of the spinal column are treated therapeutically.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massage play a key role in anti-cellulite treatment. Anti-cellulite massage, as a technique, helps to relieve edema and avoid fluid retention. Anti-cellulite massage has a cumulative effect. It eliminates toxins and impurities, thus directly facilitating weight loss and ensuring well-being for the entire organism. With anti-cellulite massage, fatigue disappears and strength returns. Cell regeneration is activated, blood circulation increases, lymph flow improves and venous stasis is reduced. Anti-cellulite massage has a relaxing effect: the muscles relax and the nervous system becomes balanced.

The health of our body directly depends on the proper functioning of the lymphatic system. Apart from the mentioned treatments, cellulite can be treated with radio waves, ultra sound, laser and injection treatments.

Some of the following oils can be used to increase the effect of anti-cellulite treatment: Fennel oil, germanium, grapefruit oil, lemongrass oil, rosemary oil, ivy oil.

MLD manual lymphatic drainage

-Lymphatic drainage achieves the balance of body fluids in the body and improves the general condition of the body. It is useful and is used for many purposes, and the best effect is given as part of anti-cellulite treatments, then in the improvement of venous circulation, as well as in treatments to remove swelling (edema).

It is important to point out that the regenerating effects of lymphatic drainage are not limited only to the tissue we drain, but also to deep tissues.

Lymphatic drainage is performed using a special manual technique.

Lymphatic drainage is not only one of the successful procedures in medical practice, but also one of the most effective techniques for detoxifying the body and tissue regeneration in cosmetology practice. Drainage accelerates the flow of lymph and blood, vasodilation occurs with the release of histamine, causes local hyperemia, increases elasticity and improves the appearance of the skin, accelerates the exchange of substances and leads to general relaxation and sedation.

Its beneficial effect is not limited there. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous, then on the muscular and especially on the immune system.

Benefits of lymphatic drainage

  • Clinically proven therapeutic method

  • Immediate, visible results

  • The treatment is well received by patients and clients

  • The body is not burdened with unnecessary treatment

    The most common indications for lymphatic drainage therapy Medical

  • Chronic edema

  • Post-operative obstructions of lymphatic channels

  • Prevention and treatment of varicose veins

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (before and after surgery)

  • Reynolds syndrome

  • Neuropathy, Neuralgia

  • Chronic edema

  • Arthrosis, Osteoporosis, Gout

  • Tenalgia – “tennis elbow”, “jumper’s knee”

  • Wellness and aesthetics

  • Cellulite – reduction, fat absorption

  • Care after liposuction

  • Tissue regeneration – burns, scars

  • Detoxification of the body

  • Heavy legs syndrome

  • Obesity

  • Improving skin nutrition

  • Body shaping – stretched skin

  • Anti-aging effect

    Lymphatic drainage of the legs involves opening the lymph nodes in order to activate the entire lymphatic system, the focus is on the legs. After the treatment, the feeling of heavy and swollen legs is lost, the circumference of the legs is reduced, due to stimulation of the lymph, the muscles and skin are more nourished and detoxified, the presence of cellulite is reduced. It is recommended to do three to four combined treatments, and later, in order to maintain lightness in the legs, one to two times a week.

Epsom Salt Massage

The composition of this salt is magnesium sulfate, and it is beneficial precisely because of its high magnesium content. By osmotic action, it reduces swelling and has a relaxing effect on deep tissues in the places where it is applied. We apply Epsom salt paste with a few drops of oil and gently massage the body to remove dead cells. After these treatments, your skin will be rejuvenated, softer and more elastic.

Didi J Detox Massage

This package includes a body scrub with a special detox scrub, along with the detoxification. After that, our experts massage the body and tension is released, which contributes to the overall relaxation of the body. After peeling and massage, the body rests and follows.

Facial massage

Facial massage is being used more and more as one of treatments to rejuvenate the skin, and those who have had the opportunity to try this anti-aging technique claim it is one of the best things you can do for your skin. Unlike care products or other treatments and procedures, massage does not treat the skin, but the muscles underneath it. Of the 57 facial muscles, people generally use only 10%, and that’s mostly when eating. Other muscles, given that they remain inactive, gradually begin to weaken, muscle fibers become thinner and slowly atrophy over time. As a result, we get loose skin. Then bags under the eyes, chin, sagging cheeks and eyelids, weakened tone appear. In addition, massage stimulates the circulation of lymph and blood and stimulates the production of collagen, and the synergy of these factors alleviates existing and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, improves muscle tone, and gives the skin a healthy glow and appearance.

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